Russell Bevan
Back in 1995, when Victoria and Russell started dating in Des Moines, their favorite game was “Guess the Wine.” They would take turns bringing a blind wine and make the other person guess the varietal and region. Looking back on those dates, there is little mystery about how they arrived where they are today.
Soon after that, they moved to Minneapolis and fell in with a group of wine lovers whose passion and knowledge fanned their flame. They started taking regular trips to wine country in California, where they met many of the finest winemakers. They were so inspired by them that to this day they follow many of their principles. They learned first-hand about Philip Togni’s attention to every minute detail…. Saw how Bob Foley would only pick fruit if his palate — not some lab test — told him it was time… Heard Greg La Follette telling them how careful you have to be when making decisions in the winery because even the smallest decision has an impact on the final wine. Their conversations still reverberate whether he is at a vineyard or in the winery.
Mitch Bainwol
Mitch Bainwol is President and CEO of the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, the leading trade association representing automakers selling new vehicles in the United States. The Auto Alliance represents 12 iconic automakers — from the U.S., Europe and Japan — on a range of safety, environmental and technology issues before Congress, the Executive Branch and state legislatures.
Bainwol is a strong advocate for market-driven government policies to advance an innovation agenda. “We’re on the precipice of a golden era in mobility. Our roads are going to be far safer than ever, and the environmental benefits are enormous,” according to Bainwol. “In today’s world, safer cars are green cars. The faster we can usher in the future, the better.